1/1 RX – photo tutorial

I want to share a complete set of photo tutorials for all the special stitches used In a Slipstream of Colour, so here is the final one…ironically for the first part of the pattern, but in time for the Ravelry pattern launch tomorrow!

I originally abbreviated this mock cable to 1/1 RC – 1/1 Right Cross, in the free version of the pattern. But the “C” in this stitch probably should have stood for Confusion, not Cross. This is NOT cabling without a cable needle.

Therefore, I’ve renamed the stitch 1/1 RX – 1/1 Right Crossover, to differentiate it in the Ravelry pattern. I expect it’s really an unvention, but I’ve yet to find it described elsewhere online.

I use this stitch because it best follows the other textures I chose for this design. It’s like a warm-up for the second part of the pattern, which itself is designed to flow nicely into the third section. 

1. With right side facing and yarn at the back of your work, insert right-hand needle into 2nd stitch on left-hand needle as if to knit it in the normal way (again, forget anything you know about cabling without a cable needle!):

DSC_7358 DSC_73612. Wrap yarn around needle to make knit stitch, but leave old stitch on left-hand needle:


3. Pull the new stitch through to the right side of the work: DSC_7365

4. You don’t need to stretch the stitch like the following photo – I’ve only done this so you can see the new stitch more clearly here:DSC_7366


5. With yarn still in the back, knit the first stitch on the left hand-needle as normal:





6. Continue making the stitch by dropping the old stitch off the left-hand needle and let the new stitch sit on the right-hand needle, as normal. When you have done this, on the right-hand needle you can see the 2 new stitches.:

DSC_73707.  The next stitch on the left-hand needle is the one you already worked at the start; DON’T knit it again! Simply drop that already-worked stitch off the left-hand needle – you can just see the open loop when it is dropped off. This will close up automatically when you continue knitting:


8. Your 1/1 RX is complete. They’re not much to look at individually, but when repeated you can play with colour and texture:



If you are making a project from In a Slipstream of Colour, the next photo tutorial for this pattern is 1/3 RX.

Happy Knitting! If you happen to spot a youtube video for this stitch, do let me know.



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